Joy sparks the urge to play, interest sparks the urge to explore, contentment sparks the urge to savour and integrate, and love sparks a recurring cycle of each of these urges within safe, close relationships.

Barbara Fredrickson

Our Journey & the Investment

Though it may not always be explicitly stated, therapy is an investment in honour of your Self.  We often spend our lives working to attain a sense of success without ever truly acknowledging what success means to us; we may spend much of our lives investing toward something only to find that that something feels empty.

What if that investment was toward you?  Toward creating a sense of contentment that could withstand the perils of this world.  This is what your investment and your commitment toward therapy can attain.


With that said there are still the realities of this world and the work that I do.  Therefore, your investment in your Self when working with me shall look like:

An initial 90-minute session at $180
This additional time allows me to ensure I have captured a full understanding of who you are and what you desire from therapy.  This time also give us space to complete the required documentation.

60-minute weekly sessions at $120
You are welcome to book longer sessions should you wish to delve deeper each week.  If time permits, I can offer up to 90-minutes at a time, this is at a rate of $180.

Please see below to understand what our sessions may look like. I encourage you to view my services and specialty page alongside my page about how I work.

Session Format:

Sessions are generally 60 minutes long, spaced weekly. During the sessions I may include a combination of the following:
(feel free to click on the hand to expand the information provided)

    • This is a connection that gives compassion before knowledge.
    • This is a connection that not only allows you to express your emotions, so too enables you to understand and physically/sensorily feel them.
    • This is a connection that assists you to identify your positive traits and abilities, as well as to build upon them.
    • This is a collaborative practice that holds foundations in the body and mind’s innate ability to change.
    • This is a collaborative practice that allows you to recognise, identify, and understand the biopsychosocial manner by which you sense, perceive, interpret, and react/respond to various situations. Specifically, to recognise, identify, and understand the ways you have learned to cope with suffering and hardship.
    • This is a collaborative practice that assists you in understanding the ways you may have learned to adapt or to hide your authentic sense of Self.
    • This is a collaborative practice that aims to work toward co-constructing a level of physical, mental, and relational insight that opens avenues for you to make changes in alignment with your desired outcomes or goals.
    • This is a collaborative practice where I will work with you in the creation of those goals should you require the assistance to identify what you truly yearn for or desire in life.
    • This is an engagement that above all offers choice and autonomy – as a trauma-informed therapist it is paramount that you are offered a felt sense of safety above all else. As the client I always welcome you to let me know if at any time you do not wish to engage in what I am offering. I will always welcome your authentic feedback of my service.
    • This is an engagement that may offer specific interventions that are appropriate to your desired outcomes or goals.
    • This is an engagement that may provide relevant information verbally, via diagram or illustration, through literature, and/or in handout form.
    • This is an engagement that may offer resources or activities to help you gain insight and understanding, or to integrate session outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am glad you asked! To get started simply connect with me via the button below. You can let me know a little bit about yourself and ask any questions you may have.

Upon receiving your message I shall respond with answers to any questions you may have had. I shall also set up a phone consult to connect and to ensure that you feel most comfortable with who I am and to ensure my services are the right fit for you.

Yes! I would not do what I do if I did not believe in it. Psychotherapy in particular is an evidence-based modality wherein a secure relationship is formed creating the foundations for healing and change. Such change is an immersive process of re-establishing a sense of Self with Other.

The therapy I offer is a process where I, as the Other, join with you in a journey toward reconnecting you with your sense of Self (identity-significance), Others (relationship-communication), and with the World that surrounds you (meaning-purpose). We will work toward creating a secure relational space which allows for the emergence of an internal sense trust in your Self. This includes a facilitation of Self-concept, Self-efficacy, Self- esteem, and Self-expression.

Regular therapy supports and holds this relationship. It also provides a safe and secure base to explore your inner and outer world. Regularity and continuity are important as they keep your process moving, hold you psychologically and underline the deep commitment that you have made to yourself.

I truly believe that any therapy is a journey that takes time.  Whilst I offer short-term goal orientated counselling I believe first and foremost in lasting change that occurs within the evolving relationship between the therapist and the client.  Such lasting change develops with new layers of reflective Self awareness and in developing a sense of internal Self trust that emerges from being seen, heard, understood, valued, and delighted in by an Other – that is to be truly known in all of your knowing.

Though I have experience and capacity to work with a diversity of mental health challenges, my experience within the space of burnout, breakdown, & trauma has always been where my passion lies – particularly where issues of Self and Identity arise from ambiguous trauma

I have found that, alongside the genetic and epigenetic components of mental wellbeing, many presentations of mental illness reflect various forms of ambiguous trauma and a lost sense of Self.  This epoch of time we live in is just not set up to honour the individual and unique nature of who we are.

With this in mind, some of the mental health challenges I can assist you with, however do not limit myself to, include:

+ Ambiguous Trauma
+ Relational Trauma
+ Neurodivergent Burnout
+ Professional Burnout
+ Carer Burnout
+ Familial / Relational Breakdown
+ a Lost Sense of Self due to the Impacts of Mental Anguish.

I also offer therapy based in Parts Theory of Mind (IFS).

You can read more about my specialties HERE.

WorkCover is an incentive that supports injured workers recover from work-related injuries.  Work-related injuries can include physical injuries, psychological disorders, diseases, or even death.

They can happen while you’re at work, travelling to or from your job, on a scheduled break or as a direct result of doing your job.

Therapy (counselling or psychotherapy) is an important aspect in returning to work after an incident as it allows you to make sense of what has occurred. I offer a space of co-regulated connection and compassionate collaboration where together we begin to understand and address the aspects creating overwhelm whilst building a stronger sense of Self with clarity and capacity to slowly return to work.

To been seen under Workcover you need to provide me with your claim details (including your claim number, date of injury, case manager contact details and medical certificate) when booking.

If your claim has been approved your appointment is covered by WorkCover insurance, this means there is no gap fee. If you are still waiting for approval, the cost of the appointment will need to be paid in full, then once approved, reimbursed by WorkCover.

For more information on WorkCover Queensland please visit:

Medicare Better Access to Mental Health Rebates
The Medicare Better Access to Mental Health scheme improves access to counselling by providing rebates to psychologists and mental health social workers who are registered as Medicare allied health providers. GP’s are encouraged to refer their patients who need counselling for mental health issues to these registered practitioners.

The APS National Schedule of Recommended Fees 2023-2024 has the standard 45 to 60-minute consultation fee at $300.  The current medicare rebate is $93.35. This leaves an out of pocket expense of around $200.

You will find my fee comparable at only $120.

Further to this the Medicare rebate system limits the available psychologist appointments to 10 counselling sessions in a calendar year; appointments with myself or another registered therapist are unlimited. Although your GP may prefer to refer you to a psychologist, it is not necessarily mean that a psychologist will provide better care than a counsellor. It depends on the professional’s skill, area of expertise, style of counselling, the fit with your needs and personality, and cost considerations.

Selecting a counsellor is a very personal choice.

It is important that you find someone that YOU can work with. You will find a variety of counsellors on both the PACFA and CCAA websites – I always recommend reading about your practitioners areas of expertise and to give them a call to get a feel for their voice and approach toward you.

Please always feel free to connect with me for more information or to schedule a complimentary consult where I can answer your questions more adeptly. 

I look forward to speaking with you.

I invoice prior to our therapy session, where payment is to direct debited into my account the day of the session. 

Investing in psychotherapy is ultimately about placing value and worth in yourself. If your financial situation changes or you find yourself having concerns about the money side of therapy, do feel free to bring any concerns to your sessions and we can spend time working through this together.

Client Testimonials: