Never give up on someone. Sometimes the answers you are looking for are the same answers another person is looking for. Two people searching together are always better than one alone.

Shannon L. Alder

Resources and Referrals Database

We all need a little support sometimes, whether professionally or personally I have found some of the below resources to be valuable in my ongoing journey.

Please note that these lists are extensive but not exhaustive and specific to South Brisbane and Logan areas in South-East Queensland.

Client Resources

These are non static resources – I am continually adding to each element via Pintrest.  Please feel free to follow my boards HERE

Excerpt from What are Personal “Boundaries”? by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

What Are Personal Boundaries? Think of personal boundaries as those things that fall within your property line, what you are responsible for. They help you avoid situations where you end up feeling pressured, manipulated, or resentful after interacting with someone. They also help you avoid pressuring others until they give in. You need to take responsibility for what’s inside you property lines.

Attitudes and Beliefs
Talents and Resources

We need to take responsibility for all of the above areas of our souls. These lie within our boundaries. But taking care of what lies within our boundaries isn’t easy; neither is allowing other people to take care of what lies within their boundaries. Setting boundaries and maintaining them is hard work, but it is essential for us to be healthy adults. To learn more about boundaries, get The New York Times bestseller Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend.

More from Henry Cloud and Townsend HERE

Emotions signal changes in the state of integration.  Within the brain, emotion links various systems together to form a state of mind.  It also serves to connect one mind to another.  Emotional processing prepares the brain and the rest of the body for action, to “evoke motion”.

Primary Emotions are the shifts in brain state that result from the initial orientation and elaborated appraisal and arousal processes.  Primary emotions are the beginning of how the mind creates meaning. 

Direct quote (pp. AI.27 & AI.62) from Siegel, D. J. (2012). Pocket guide to interpersonal neurobiology: An integrative handbook of the mind. New York, NY: W.W. Norton

Relationships are the patterns of interaction between two or more people that involve the sharing of energy and information flow.  Can also more generally involve the patterns of interaction between two or more entities.  Donald Winnicott’s notion that a baby only exists in relationship to the mother highlighted the concept of “good enough parent”

Relational sense is also called the “eighth sense” this is a sensory mechanism with which we sense our connection to others or entities outside of our bodily defined self.  The first five senses bring in the outside world (sight, hearing, small, taste, touch); the sixth sense is our interoception with which we sense the inner states of the body (muscles, bones, viscera like the heart, lungs, and intestines); a “seventh sense” with which we sense our mental activities; and this eighth sense.

Direct quote (pp. AI.67 & AI.68) from Siegel, D. J. (2012). Pocket guide to interpersonal neurobiology: An integrative handbook of the mind. New York, NY: W.W. Norton

Domestic and family violence (DFV) occurs when one person in an intimate personal, family or informal carer relationship uses violence or abuse to maintain power and control over the other person.

DFV does not always involve physical violence. DFV is usually an ongoing pattern of behaviour aimed at controlling a partner (also known as coercive control). A wide variety of abusive behaviours – including social, financial, psychological and technology-facilitated abuse – often accompanied by threats of physical violence, may be used to cause fear.

Over time, this can have a devastating impact on victims’ autonomy, independence, wellbeing and safety. Coercive control is the most common risk factor leading up to an intimate partner homicide.

Many of the types of abuse described below include elements of controlling or coercive behaviour.

Domestic and family violence can include:

  • Emotional abuse is not always easy to identify, but it can lower self-esteem and confidence, impacting your mental health and wellbeing. Examples are:
    • constant criticism, put downs and name calling, often in relation to appearance/attractiveness, parenting ability or likeability
    • intentionally embarrassing you
    • telling you what to wear or criticising your looks
    • threatening to commit suicide or self-harm to intimidate and control you.
  • Verbal abuse can include:
    • yelling, shouting or swearing
    • using words to intimidate or cause fear
    • frequently accusing you of having affairs
    • constant criticism and put downs.
  • Financial abuse can start with subtle, controlling behaviours and result in someone having complete control over your finances. For example:
    • getting angry about you spending money
    • taking your pay or restricting your access to joint bank accounts
    • refusing to pay for your necessary items such as food and medicine
    • stopping you from working or furthering your education.
  • Psychological abuse can affect your inner thoughts and feelings as well as exert control over your life. For example:
    • controlling what you eat
    • controlling access to medications
    • undermining your perception of reality
    • questioning your judgement
    • trying to convince you or your support network that you are ’crazy’ or a ’liar’
    • frequent abusive text messages or demanding phone calls.
  • Physical abuse involves causing or threatening physical harm to control you. For example:
    • slapping, kicking, punching
    • choking, suffocation or strangulation – anything that prevents you from breathing normally
    • anything that causes injury
    • punching holes in walls or breaking furniture and belongings
    • physically restricting your movement e.g. locking you in a room or house or preventing you from leaving
    • threatening to harm your children, other loved ones or pets.
  • Social isolation can start with subtle, controlling behaviours that can end in completely isolating you from your friends, family and support networks. For example:
    • monitoring your phones and devices without permission
    • controlling which friends and family members you have contact with
    • continuously criticising your friends and family
    • purposefully humiliating you in public or in front of other people
    • moving you away to a geographically isolated location to further separate you from your support network.
  • Technology-based abuse and surveillance can include:
    • constantly messaging or calling you
    • checking your phone and other devices without permission
    • inhibiting your access to technology
    • monitoring you on social media, or actively abusing and humiliating you on these platforms
    • tracking your movements
    • monitoring your internet usage
    • video or audio-recording of your home, car and workplace (with or without your consent or knowledge)
    • posting sexually explicit images or videos of you online without your permission (this is also image-based abuse and a form of sexual abuse, and may be referred to as ’revenge porn’).
  • Spiritual abuse can include:
    • forcing you to participate in religious activities
    • stopping you from taking part in your religious or cultural practices
    • misusing spiritual or religious beliefs and practices to justify abuse and violence.
  • Sexual abuse can include:
    • forcing or coercing you to have sex or engage in sexual acts
    • unwanted exposure to pornography
    • deliberately causing pain during sex
    • using sexually degrading insults or humiliation during sex.
  • Reproductive control is often a subset of sexual abuse and can include:
    • not letting you use contraception or forcing you to use contraception that you do not want to
    • tampering with your contraception without your knowledge
    • pressuring you to have a termination you don’t want, or not allowing you to access a termination of pregnancy
    • pressuring you to start a family or have more children when you are not ready.
  • Stalking and surveillance can include:
    • following you in your car or on foot
    • frequent ‘drive-bys’ of your home or workplace
    • waiting outside your home, workplace or educational facility
    • leaving unwanted notes or gifts for you to find
    • talking to friends, neighbours or your children about your movements or activities.
    • constantly keeping check on where you are and what you are doing
    • using tracking devices to monitor your whereabouts.
  • Identity-based abuse is often specifically targeted at people from the LGBTIQ+ communities and can include:
    • threatening to reveal your sexual orientation – outing you – to others
    • threatening to reveal your HIV status to others
    • reinforcing your feelings of confusion, shame or guilt about your sexuality to coerce you
    • using your concern that support services may be homophobic or transphobic to discourage you from seeking help
    • isolating you from your family, community, or LGBTIQ+ spaces, or threatening to isolate you if the relationship ends.


Neurobiology is the study of the nervous system and how the brain works. The field studies nervous system functions, brain function and the related structures such as the spinal cord. Neurobiology is a subset of both physiology and neuroscience. (definition source)

Trauma is an overwhelming experience that has potential negative impacts on an individual in the moment and in the future.  Trauma often refers to an experience that is beyond the capacity for an individual to adapt effectively, and it can result in post-traumatic stress disorder in some situations.

The above is a direct quote (pp. AI.82) from Siegel, D. J. (2012). Pocket guide to interpersonal neurobiology: An integrative handbook of the mind. New York, NY: W.W. Norton

Further information:

In reference to the inner workings of the mind and body, trauma is the result of an extreme stress response followed by an inability for the mind and body to process or integrate the incoming information and sensations (stressors); trauma is a detrimental impairment to someone’s safety, significance, and their ability to make sense of a situation within compassionate relationship. The main aspect important here is that without an ability to process the information and sensations (the stressors), the mind is unable to integrate this into the rightful area of its memory. Meaning, the stressors become somewhat “stuck” between present and past, implicit and explicit; this produces a state that, when triggered, normal

In reference to the inner workings of the mind and body, trauma is the result of an extreme stress response followed by an inability for the mind and body to process or integrate the incoming information and sensations (stressors); trauma is a detrimental impairment to someone’s safety, significance, and their ability to make sense of a situation within compassionate relationship. The main aspect important here is that without an ability to process the information and sensations (the stressors), the mind is unable to integrate this into the rightful area of its memory. Meaning, the stressors become somewhat “stuck” between present and past, implicit and explicit; this produces a state that, when triggered, normal.


Grounding is a coping strategy that is designed to “ground” you in, or immediately connect you with, the present moment. Grounding techniques are often used as a way of coping with flashbacks or dissociation when you have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They can also be helpful in other types of anxiety.

Grounding techniques often use the five senses—sound, touch, smell, taste, and sight—to immediately connect you with the here and now. For example, singing a song, rubbing lotion on your hands, or sucking on sour candy are all grounding techniques that produce sensations that are difficult to ignore or distract you from what’s going on in your mind.

This helps you directly and instantaneously connect with the present moment.2 At the same time, grounding reduces the likelihood that you will slip into a flashback or dissociation.

How you ground yourself is highly personal. What works for one person may trigger anxiety or flashbacks in another. You may need to do some trial and error to figure out what grounding techniques work best for you. Pay attention to the coping mechanisms you’ve already developed to help you get through flashbacks and anxiety and see if you can build on them and/or use them as grounding techniques.

(definition Source)

Self is a term signifying an internal sense of identity, sometimes including one’s body, personality, or membership in relationships or groups.  There are many “selves” of a healthy individual.  The self is often seen as a singular noun, whereas it may be better considered as a “plural verb”.  Includes functions of the self, such as somatic, linguistic, emotional, reflective, and social self.

Direct quote (pp. AI.67 & AI.68) from Siegel, D. J. (2012). Pocket guide to interpersonal neurobiology: An integrative handbook of the mind. New York, NY: W.W. Norton

A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.

Whether in awareness or not, context is the “situational constraints” or the circumstances that shape the manner by which a flow of energy and information emerges from the Self’s mind-body (Badenoch, 2018; Cozolino, 2002; Siegel, 2010). This emergence is moment-to-moment and creates uniquely individual dispositions of being and doing. To clarify, context can be seen as the internal and external situational milieu that influence affective perceptions of fear and safety, depletion and satiety, imitation and innovation, distress and delight, stability and flexibility, thus how these perceptions are woven into functional interpretations that allow for adaptively modulated responses. In addition, without an appreciation of the contextual influences that impact sensation, perception, interpretation, and adaptive response, the emergent processes that underscore the equanimous weaving together of a diachronic sense of Self cannot function in an ongoing togetherness of physiological, psychological, sociological patterns of energy and information flow: without context, coherence is not feasible.For more information refer HERE

Noun: The diversity or variation of cognitive functioning in people. Everyone has a unique brain and therefore different skills, abilities, and needs.

Adjective: Describes the diversity and variation of cognitive functioning in people. Neurodiverse is typically used to describe neurodivergent people.

Noun: Cognitive functioning which is not considered “typical”. For example, autistic, dyslexic, and dyspraxic people.

Adjective: Describes people who have a neurodivergence.

(definition Source)

Parenting is the process of raising children and providing them with protection and care in order to ensure their healthy development into adulthood.
(Definition Source)

Therapist Aid
Therapist Aid is dedicated to helping mental health professionals improve their craft by providing free evidence-based education and therapy tools. Our resources are created with clients in mind, which means avoiding jargon, and creating tools that are not only useful in theory, but in practice.

The Centre for Clinical Interventions
At the heart of the work we do at CCI is the way our four core areas of business support and depend on each other. The evidence-based treatments we provide are developed from clinical research literature; these are then evaluated through our quality assurance program which also allows us to investigate psychological maintaining factors of anxiety, mood and eating disorders. This information is then fed back to the clinical and research communities through publications and presentations. The resources that our clinical psychologists develop as part of these treatments are made available to our patients and practitioners around WA, Australia and the world via our website. In order to share the knowledge arising from our experience in delivering these treatments, we provide regular workshops for other health professionals, and provide training placements for post-graduate psychology students.

Positive Psychology dot Com
Since 2013, Seph Fontane Pennock (left) and Hugo Alberts (right) have been building the world’s most extensive, science-based positive psychology platform. Their aim is to provide helping professionals with the right knowledge and tools to apply positive psychology in real-life settings and make a difference in the lives of their clients and students.

Harborview Center for Sexual Assault & Traumatic Stress
HATC provides evidence based learning resources to assist professionals in providing excellent research-based care.

Collaborative Mental Health Care – Child & Youth Toolkits
One in five children suffers from at least one mental health disorder, and comorbidity (more than one) is the rule rather than the exception. The rationale for developing the Child & Youth Mental Health toolkits came out of many discussions with healthcare providers who expressed a need for a practical, user-friendly resource for screening, assessment and treatment of child and youth mental health problems commonly presenting in primary care.

Therapeutic Activities for Children, Adolescents, and Adults
“Favorite Therapeutic Activities for Children, Adolescents, and Families: Practitioners Share Their Most Effective Interventions” is a creative collection of assessment and treatment techniques developed by some of my colleagues

ACT Mindfully
There’s a variety of free resources here, to use with Russ’s self-help books – “The Happiness Trap”, “The Confidence Gap”, “The Reality Slap”, “ACT With Love” – and his textbooks: “ACT Made Simple”, “Getting Unstuck In ACT”, “ACT Questions and Answers”.

Family Echo
Build an interactive family tree of your ancestry, going back far into the past. Invite your parents or grandparents to collaborate online and fill in the missing details.

Social Workers Toolbox

Taking the Escalator Addiction and Substance Use Resources

Support Services in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

In an emergency, call Triple Zero (000)

Suicide 24/7 Helpline
Ph: 13 11 14
Text Line
Ph: 0477 13 11 14
Online Chat

Suicide Call Back Service
Suicide 24/7 Helpline
Ph: 1300 659 467
Online Chat

Beyond Blue
Support Helpline
Ph: 1300 224 636
Chat Online
Email Support
Online Community Forums

In an emergency, call Triple Zero (000)

Health Direct
Ph: 1800 022 222
Services Directory

Queensland Mental Health Commission
Mental health access line
Ph: 1300 642 255
24/7 crisis services
Other support and information services

Queensland Ambulance Service
General enquiries and first aid courses
Ph: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
Medically authorised non-urgent transport bookings
Ph: 131 233
Postal Address:
Queensland Ambulance Service
GPO Box 1425 BRISBANE QLD 4001

Queensland Police Link
Ph: 131 444
Ph: 1800 333 000
Report Online:

In an emergency, call Triple Zero (000)

Queensland Government Emergency Relief
The Emergency Relief Program provides financial and/or material support to Queenslanders in financial crisis

The program provides support such as food vouchers, food parcels and third-party payments for vulnerable Queenslanders, and aims to prevent future financial crisis by referring people to appropriate financial and social support services.

We have funded services across Queensland to deliver this program. If you are struggling with unexpected financial pressures, and requiring financial support, you can seek assistance from one of the Emergency Relief services HERE

Community Health, Emergency Care and Support (CHECS)
Community Health, Emergency Care and Support (CHECS) Pty Ltd was established in 2019 by 3 support workers with experience at the frontline in mental health, corrections, disability, youth justice, child protection, and age care services.

Our Mission is to give vulnerable a hand-up. To engage them to enjoy themselves wherever they are, and with what they choose to do. We aim to be creative and responsive to our clients needs. We want our people to want to be full participants in their community.

You can seek assistance from any of the services HERE

Wesley Misson Brisbane Relief Hub
The Brisbane Relief Hub can support you if you are in financial stress, lacking basic necessities, homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

The Brisbane Relief Hub provides a range of services to help you at times of need. You can seek assistance from any of the services HERE


In an emergency, call Triple Zero (000)

DFV 24/7 Helpline
Ph: 1800 737 732
Online Chat
Find Services

Kids Help Line
24/7 Helpline
Ph: 1800 55 1800
Web Chat
For Parents

Mens Referral Service
Ph: 1300 766 491
Find Information

Elder Abuse Prevention Unit
Ph: 1300 651 192
Find Information

White Ribbon Australia
Find Information

Domestic and Family Violence – Queensland Government
Information, services and support for people impacted by domestic and family violence including:
• What is domestic violence?
• Where can I find help?
• My situation is…
• I want to help someone
• How can I stay safe?
• Legal Help

You can find out more information HERE

Queensland Courts
Regardless whether you’re a younger or older person, or whether you’ve been in a relationship many years or a short time, you have the right to feel safe and respected. The law recognises the importance of personal safety and that domestic and family violence is not tolerated in society.

Domestic violence orders are part of a strategy to protect the safety of all members of our community and to stop the violence.

See the following information for detail on how to apply for protection from the court, and get support and more information on domestic violence.

You can find out more information HERE

Domestic and Family Violence Protection Legislation
Meaning of domestic violence
(1) Domestic violence means behaviour by a person (the first person) towards another person (the second person) with whom the first person is in a relevant relationship that—
(a) is physically or sexually abusive; or
(b) is emotionally or psychologically abusive; or
(c) is economically abusive; or
(d) is threatening; or
(e) is coercive; or
(f) in any other way controls or dominates the second person and causes the second person to fear for the second person’s safety or wellbeing or that of someone else.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), domestic violence includes the following behaviour—
(a) causing personal injury to a person or threatening to do so;
(b) coercing a person to engage in sexual activity or attempting to do so;
(c) damaging a person’s property or threatening to do so;
(d) depriving a person of the person’s liberty or threatening to do so;
(e) threatening a person with the death or injury of the person, a child of the person, or someone else;
(f) threatening to commit suicide or self-harm so as to torment, intimidate or frighten the person to whom the behaviour is directed;
(g) causing or threatening to cause the death of, or injury to, an animal, whether or not the animal belongs to the person to whom the behaviour is directed, so as to control, dominate or coerce the person;
(h) unauthorised surveillance of a person;
(i) unlawfully stalking a person.
(3) A person who counsels or procures someone else to engage in behaviour that, if engaged in by the person, would be domestic violence is taken to have committed domestic violence.
(4) To remove any doubt, it is declared that, for behaviour mentioned in subsection (2) that may constitute a criminal offence, a court may make an order under this Act on the basis that the behaviour is domestic violence even if the behaviour is not proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
(5) In this section—
coerce, a person, means compel or force a person to do, or refrain from doing, something.
unauthorised surveillance, of a person, means the unreasonable monitoring or tracking of the person’s movements, activities or interpersonal associations without the person’s consent, including, for example, by using technology. Examples of surveillance by using technology—
• reading a person’s SMS messages
• monitoring a person’s email account or internet browser history
• monitoring a person’s account with a social networking internet site
• using a GPS device to track a person’s movements
• checking the recorded history in a person’s GPS device unlawful stalking see the Criminal Code, section 359B.

Read the full legislation HERE

Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce
The Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce is an independent, consultative taskforce established by the Queensland Government to examine:

1. coercive control and review the need for a specific offence of domestic violence,
2. the experience of women across the criminal justice system.

The Taskforce will make recommendations to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Minister for Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence.

Consultation and engagement The Taskforce is undertaking broad and wide-ranging community consultation.

Anyone who would like to have their say about women’s experience of the criminal justice system is invited to make a submission to inform the Taskforce’s consideration.

In particular, we would like to hear from victims and survivors of domestic, family or sexual violence and offenders. We want to learn from your experience of the criminal justice system to help us understand the issues.

The Taskforce will also be inviting submissions on a number of discussion papers, however it is important to remember that The taskforce is considering issues at a systems level and cannot provide advice on, or intervene in, specific matters. You can find out more information HERE

Community Legal Centres Queensland
Services Directory

Women’s Health & Equality
Women’s Health and Equality Queensland (WHEQ) is a not-for-profit organisation whose purpose is to advance the health and wellbeing of all Queensland women. Our head office is in Brisbane and we maintain a state-wide footprint through partnering with local organisations and through the leveraging of technology. WHEQ has four strategic approaches to improving outcomes for women: Woman-centred – we support individual women, co-design programs with women, listen to women and respond to their needs, and support others to provide woman-centred approaches.

Influencing change in communities through primary prevention of violence and gender equity programs. Build capability of organisations that support women through education and training, research, and partnerships.

Sustainability – in all that we do, WHEQ focusses on holistic and sustainable environmental, organisational and community practices.

We support a diversity of women including people who:
• are culturally and linguistically diverse;
• are or have experiences of violence or trauma;
• are experiencing disadvantage;
• are living with/impacted by disability;
• have diverse bodies, sexualities and genders;
• have been criminalised;
• are unable to speak openly about their health issues;
• identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander;
• live in a rural, regional or remote area;
• who may otherwise not have access to support.

You can find out more information HERE

Domestic Violence Prevention Centre
Established in 1992, the Domestic Violence Prevention Centre provides a wide range of programs to support women and their children affected by domestic and family violence.

We also work with men who perpetrate domestic violence. Through the Gold Coast Domestic Violence Integrated Response we partner with government agencies, non-government agencies and other women’s services to continue to improve responses to domestic and family violence as we work toward achieving our goal of ending violence against women.

The Domestic Violence Prevention Centre Gold Coast offers assistance with police reporting, linking you to legal services, counselling, children and young people services, support, information and referral for women and their children who have or are experiencing domestic and family violence. You can find out more information HERE

Beyond DV
Beyond DV Ltd was founded as a result of the lived experience of supporting a loved one through a domestic violence situation.

Going through the court process over six months and witnessing, in that time, the enormous number of women from all walks of life, in the same situation, had a profound impact.

This ignited a desire to use existing skills, expertise and contacts to support women and children impacted by Domestic Violence as they rebuild their lives.

In July 2017, after approaching the local State MP with ideas for a charity, meetings were arranged with various government departments who believed that the proposed services were unique and would fill gaps in existing services.

After liaising with several established domestic violence organisations, the formal process of establishing Beyond DV as a charity was commenced.

Programs from women: Women are provided opportunities to regain their self confidence and reach their full potential. From just having time out to heal with out morning teas, workshops or pampering to gaining financial independence, you will find a program to suit your specific needs.

Programs for children: Our programs help children from 5 to 17 years who have come from a domestic violence situation. These programs include help with the transition into a new school, homework clubs or a camp which helps children heal from trauma.

You can find out more information HERE

Centre for Women and Co
Centre for Women and Co states a vision to achieve social justice for all women by promoting equity, respect, safety and diversity in our communities.

Their Values & Commitment include integrity: We work with integrity, we are committed to being brave and we take responsibility for our communities and consumers experience. We are responsible for the energy we bring to situations to foster a healthy environment so we work to stay positive; Compassion: We are committed to instilling hope by using a non-judgemental, empathetic and compassionate world view. We treat each other with respect and compassion and lean into difficult conversations, meetings and decisions; and, Respect: We are honest and set clear boundaries, we are open and accepting of each other and we talk to people, not about them. We respect consumer’s freedom to choose their pathways to grow and we stand side by side to create a strong sense of belonging and connectedness.

The Centre for Women and Co offers workshops and training, children and young peoples counselling, assessment and response crisis team, court support and advocacy, mens counselling, woman’s general counselling, and social advocacy. You can find out more information HERE

The Brisbane Domestic Violence Service (BDVS)
The Brisbane Domestic Violence Service (BDVS) is a dedicated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, domestic and family violence support service. It is an activity of Micah Projects.

The Brisbane Domestic Violence Service (BDVS) is a free and confidential service for people in the Brisbane region who are affected by domestic and family violence. BDVS offers a holistic planned support and crisis response through to ‘safe and stable’. We work with people in various stages of their lives and do not make decisions for people or tell them what to do. No matter whether a person has left a relationship or is still in a relationship, we can provide support.

The Brisbane Domestic Violence Service (BDVS) can provide you with support, information and options. Whether you are thinking about staying, leaving, aren’t yet sure what you want to do, or worried about a family member or friend, we can help.

BDVS team members are specialists and have extensive knowledge and experience in the delivery of services, support and advocacy to people experiencing domestic and family violence. We can support you in the community, at home (if safe to do so), via telephone or digital platforms, or in one of our office’s at Brisbane North, South or Central.

Brisbane Domestic Violence Service (BDVS) is committed to supporting Brisbane women and children, to ensure they feel safe and free from fear of domestic and family violence. We are the first port of call for woman and children experiencing or at risk of experiencing domestic and family violence. You can find out more information HERE

DFV Work Aware
DFV Work Aware is a program of the Working Women’s Centres of Australia.

Working Women’s Centres provide free and confidential information, advice and advocacy and to women experiencing work-related issues. Working Women’s Centres extend a warm welcome to trans people, gender non-binary people, gender diverse people, intersex people, Brotherboys and Sistergirls.

For over 25 years, Working Women’s Centres have built their understanding of the best and most practical ways to assist workers and their workplaces to respond to domestic and family violence (DFV) when it comes to work. This has led to the development of DFV Work Aware.

The aim of DFV Work Aware program is increase awareness and understanding of DFV as a workplace issue. We take a preventative approach to prepare workplaces to recognise and respond to DFV at work.

DFV Work Aware is delivered across Australia by Working Women’s Centres based in the Northern Territory, Queensland and South Australia. You can find out more information HERE

The Centre Against Sexual Violence Inc. (CASV)
The Centre Against Sexual Violence Inc. (CASV) is a community based sexual assault service dedicated to providing counselling, education and information to the Logan, Beaudesert and Redlands communities.

CASV has a vision to eliminate sexual violence while providing counselling and support to the survivors/victims of this gender-based crime through:

Providing safe, respectful services to assist women and young women on their path to healing. Working toward dispelling the social and cultural myths surrounding sexual violence. Encouraging the community to take responsibility for the eradication of sexual violence.

CASV is committed to ending sexual violence against women and their children through healing, education and prevention. You can find out more information HERE

Ph: 1300 30 1300
More Information and Details

The Australian Parenting Website
We provide up-to-date, evidence-based, scientifically validated information about raising children and caring for yourself as a parent or carer. We gather this information and translate it into everyday language with plenty of real-life examples.

Based on the evidence, we describe and explain various parenting methods and options and let people choose for themselves, depending on what suits their circumstances. We give people tools and practical ideas to apply in their own situations – we don’t tell them what to do.

We offer facts without a hidden agenda. If the science is unclear, or if there’s evidence for more than one approach to an issue, we let people know about the different approaches and their risks and benefits.
More Information and Details
Parent and Family Services List

Relationships Australia Queensland
At Relationships Australia we believe that respectful relationships are essential for the wellbeing of children, families, individuals and communities. These principles underpin our work.

At Relationships Australia we can assist in a variety of areas:
• Education
• Formation
• Maintenance
• Separation
Child and Family:
• Family Dispute Resolution (mediation)
• Children’s Contact Services
• Families at risk
• Parenting Orders
• Gambling Help
• Alcohol and Drug
• Eating disorders
• Internet
Trauma Related Issues:
• Victims of crime
• Natural disaster
• Institutional abuse (physical, sexual, emotional)
Domestic and Family Violence:
• Victims of domestic and family violence (women and children)
• Alternatives to Aggression groups (men)
Diverse groups in the community:
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
• Culturally and Linguistically Diverse people
• Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex people
Services Directory

Tripple P – Positive Parenting Program
Triple P is an internationally-acclaimed parenting program which is offered free to all Queensland parents and carers of children up to 16 years of age. Triple P is considered one of the world’s best because it has been scientifically shown to work and because it’s already helped more than four million children and their families in more than 25 countries. The Queensland Government is now offering Triple P free as part of its commitment to supporting families across the state.
More Information and Details

Uniting Care Parenting Support
At UnitingCare we recognise that every family is different. We work with families facing difficulty and offer help when it is most needed.

Parenting is a continuous learning curve, which is why we take a holistic approach with the wellbeing of the child top of mind. Whether it’s support to strengthen your family unit, help to keep your children safe and in the family home, parenting strategies, or returning your child from out-of-home care, we’re here to support you with the most up-to-date developments and approaches.

We can help you explore new parenting styles, understand children’s behaviour, learn about child development and ways to stimulate development, and learn how to manage stress or depression.
Services Directory

PLayGroup Australia
Find a Playgroup

Reach Out Parenting
Free Coaching Service

Health Direct
Ph: 1800 022 222
Services Directory

QLD Government Homelessness Assistance
Homelessness Hotline
Ph: 1800 474 753
My Community Directory
Ask Issy Search
Food and Daily Needs
BCC Essential Services Guide

Brisbane Youth Service
Fortitude Valley Hub Team
Ph: 3620 2400

Wesley Mission Queensland
Ph: 1300 865 306
Housing and homelessness support

Anglicare Queensland
Ph: 1300 610 610
Housing and homelessness support

Red Cross
Ph: 07 3367 7222
Housing and homelessness support

St Vincent de Paul Society
Ph: 1800 846 643
Housing and homelessness support

Mission Australia
Ph: 1800 269 672
Housing and homelessness support

Home for Good by Micah Projects
Ph: 3036 4444
Housing and homelessness support

HART by Communify Qld
Ph: 3004 0100
Housing and homelessness support

Ph: 1800 474 753
Housing and homelessness support for people with disabilities

3rd Space
Ph: 3254 1144
Housing and homelessness support

Homelessness and homelessness services – Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

People experiencing homelessness, and those at risk of homelessness, are among Australia’s most socially and economically disadvantaged. Governments across Australia fund services to support people who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness. Services are delivered mainly by non–government organisations, including those specialising in delivering services to specific target groups (such as young people or people experiencing Family and domestic violence) and those providing more generic services to people facing housing crises (AIHW 2021a).

The data on Specialist Homelessness Services on this page are drawn from the Specialist Homelessness Services annual report (AIHW 2021a) and the Specialist Homelessness Services monthly data report (AIHW 2021b), two dedicated reports for detailed data on people receiving support.

Why do people experience homelessness?
Homelessness can be the result of many social, economic and health–related factors. Individual factors, such as low educational attainment, whether someone is working, experience of family and domestic violence, ill health (including mental health issues) and disability, trauma, and substance misuse may make a person more at risk of becoming homeless (Fitzpatrick et al. 2013). Structural factors, including lack of adequate income and limited access to affordable and available housing, also contribute to risk of homelessness (Johnson et al. 2015; Wood et al. 2015). Determining how individual and structural risk factors interact to influence a person’s vulnerability to, and experience of, homelessness is an important ongoing focus of homelessness research (Fitzpatrick & Christian 2006; Lee et al. 2010).

Defining homelessness
There is no single definition of homelessness.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) defines homelessness, for the purposes of the Census of Population and Housing, as the lack of one or more elements that represent ‘home’.

The ABS statistical definition of homelessness is ‘… when a person does not have suitable accommodation alternatives they are considered homeless if their current living arrangement:
• is in a dwelling that is inadequate;
• has no tenure, or if their initial tenure is short and not extendable; or
• does not allow them to have control of, and access to space for social relations’ (ABS 2012).

The Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) (see glossary) collection is the national dataset about specialist support provided to Australians who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. It considers that a person is homeless if they are living in non–conventional accommodation (such as living on the street), or short–term or emergency accommodation (such as living temporarily with friends and relatives) (AIHW 2021a). 

You can access more information HERE

Emergency Housing for Families in Brisbane by Brisbane Kids

Most of us tend to take for granted the safe and stable roof over our heads, however, for some families tonight that basic necessity is one that they are in fear of living without. Sadly, there are a variety of circumstances that can lead to a family becoming homeless and in most cases this change is one that can often come about quite suddenly or without warning. In Brisbane, there are numerous organisations that can help assist if you find yourself in need of emergency housing. Be it due to a natural disaster, unsafe living conditions or another condition, below are a list of people and places you can call who specialise in supporting those who find themselves without a home and in need of crisis housing.

What is emergency housing and who is it for?
Emergency and crisis accommodation is temporary or short-term housing that is safe, secure and affordable (or free in some cases) and is designed for families who for one reason or another have found themselves homeless, in crisis, at risk of homelessness, or in need of support to transition to independent livings. It is usually run by not-for-profit organisations and includes women’s refuges, youth refuges and major crisis supported accommodation services.

Please access the Brisbane Kids Emergency Housing list HERE