If we have no peace,
it is because we have forgotten
that we belong to each other.

Mother Teresa

Practice Framework:
The Neurobiology of Humanity

I practice from a framework I founded on what I deem as The Neurobiology of Humanity, which in and of itself is based in affective and interpersonal neurobiology.

The Neurobiology of Humanity is the known and the knowing of the body (physiological), of the mind (psychological), and of relationships (sociological) that enables linguistic expression of what it means to be aware: to emote, to relate, and to discern, with insight and benevolence, a meaningful life in connection.

It can be seen as an evidence informed notion that conceptualises the importance of the nervous system as it relates to our human capacity to sense, perceive, interpret, and adaptably react or respond to situational stimuli.  Such adaptability acting in accordance to our inherent needs for attachment.

Most simplistically put, the Neurobiology of Humanity is the why and the how: the embodied emergence of what it means to be human.

What are some of the key elements?

Mind-Body Connection

This underlying understanding incorporates the physiological, psychological, and relational characteristics of the body and mind as they mediate the phenomenal experiencing of our being...

Read more about the Fundamental Nature of Self & Other Experiencing in the World

Read more about the Fundamental Constitution of Self

Wellbeing & Suffering

When we appreciate the fundamental nature of human experience and the fundamental constitution of Self as it relates to Other(s) in the World we can begin to appreciate more fully what it means to be well, what it means to suffer, and why sometimes we need a little assistance to restore balance....

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Co-Regulated Connection

Co-regulation is the intentional and resonant modulation of the spatiotemporally-affected flow within and between two beings...

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Compassionate Collaboration

Compassionate Collaboration is the Self (therapist) instigated and Other (client) agreed upon use of the emergent energy and information flow that exists within the micro-World of therapy...

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Contextual Coherence

Contextual Coherence is an ever-evolving communicative property and process that transpires in connexion to the inherent self-organising systems of the mind-body.  Such transpiration moves physiological, psychological, and sociological function towards greater recursive complexity....

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Glossary of Terms

Access a glossary of terms used within this site.  Many of these definitions have been quoted directly from Dr Dan Siegel's (2012) Pocket guide to Interpersonal Neurobiology - for which I hold high regard and appreciation.

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