

To find the courage within us that enables us to see choice is to find and connect to our inherent heart.

It is in our inherent heart that we hold the clarity, meaning, and poignancy the we need in lieu and in the light of any suffering we endure.

So many times we may ask how we can help another. We want to mend, to fix, to eliminate the pain we see before us. ——
Yet we must come to understand that freedom from suffering doesn’t come from another mending our issues; rather freedom comes from tending to the core of our being in compassionate care.

When another sits before you sharing their suffering, their anguish, their anxiety, or perhaps even their frivolous qualms, remember that courage, freedom, and the choice to change isn’t a quick fix or rescue. ——
Instead it is a space that requires deep connection and safety, a place where presence, respect, benevolence, and authenticity are continually brought forward as a gift to a fellow human.

Connect with me for a complimentary counselling consultation.

Welcome, my name is Chele, I am a therapist primarily specialising in Trauma &  Burnout.
As a psychotherapist & PACFA registered Counsellor I work individually with beautiful humans such as yourself who feel alone, lost, confused, & overwhelmed; those of you who are longing for something different.

As such, I offer my knowledge, skills, and inherent gifts with ears that listen to hear, and a heart open to receive who you are, no matter the suffering you bring; to support you in an exploration of how your past has impacted you and the ways that shows up presently. Together we will rediscover your hope and your sense of Self; we will reconnect you to what matters reclaiming the joy and delight in life you so deserve. I welcome you to view my services or connect with me to explore how I can assist you in your journey.

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