Life is a Verb

Life is a verb

Life is a Verb, not a noun

Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed I hear the words “I can’t do this” mindlessly exiting my mouth… At the same time there is a knowing within me that seems to just persevere even in the deepest of grief.

I was reminded this morning (by a Tara Brach Podcast) that I am, that as humans we all are, vulnerable within our transient mortality – that there is an impermanence to all that is within us and all that surrounds us. And this is a magnificent thing!

Though it could be taken as a deterministic or fatalistic outlook, to look at life as impermanent means to see life not as a subject or an object, nor as a thing, a concept, or an idea; rather see life as an action or a state of being.

When we chose to see life as a doing and a being, rather than a static concept, we can begin to open to what is really here.

We do not have to remain trapped in the past or scared of the future, in vulnerability or impermanence there is a sense of presence that empowers us to be the best version of ourself right here and right now.

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