The Value in Emotion – Processing

Integration leads to optimal regulation... In essence, "emotional regulation" is how we use our minds, bodies, and relational processes to enhance integration. To achieve regulation, an integrative state of coherence, in the moment and across time, the mind both monitors and modifies the flow of energy and information to differentiate...Read More

The Therapeutic Relationship and The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Therapeutic Change

There are certain emergent anthropological dynamics that often seem forgotten in our westernised society.  Such might be, at least to me, the innate integrative capacity of the mind-body that emerges when we, as a human species, find ourselves in authentic, respectful, and reciprocal relationships (2 Corinthians 6; Cozolino, 2002; van...Read More

When vulnerability meets availability: A complex fractalated phenomenon that holds the potentiality of The Divine

Imagine various relationships you have with other people: sometimes we feel understood and our inner meanings of the mind are seen and respected.  Other relationships may be more challenging, and the inner reality of our feelings and thoughts are unseen and disrespected.  We send out communication to another person through...Read More

To Love and To Suffer

How is it that there can be a reckoning of the paradoxical questions that have plagued humanity for all of time?  Questions of heartache and hopelessness, inequity and scarcity, disease and illness as they co-exist with questions of health and wellness, equitability and fruition, of faith, of hope, of love...Read More

Within the Window

Our nervous system’s window of tolerance – the intensity of feeling we can experience while still maintaining connection with another – is continually expanding and contracting.  When we are physically alone, the continually fluctuating breadth of our window depends on the strength of the regulatory system built in relationship with...Read More

Containment and Non-Reactivity

The therapist is comfortable sharing whatever emotions the client has and, in addition, wants to know the clients authentic experience more fully – as good or as bad as it actually is for them – without minimising or exaggerating it as others have often done.  In attachment terms, this highly...Read More

Interpersonal Trauma

Introduction Although at times western society may portray that the essence of significance is individualism, there is an undeniable inherent connection between the “relational self” (Siegel, 2012, pp. 348 - 349) and a life in which we are able to attain well-being, meaning, and assurance in spite of pain. Yet,...Read More

Positive Psychology

Analysis, discussion, and framework of Positive Psychology in Counselling In a life where paradoxes are continual and individuals are dynamic yet holistic, experience is a vast entailment not only of aspects that bring about trials, tribulations and the emotions that radiate from fear; but equally of an innate human capacity...Read More

True Self Vs False Self

FROM BROKENNESS TO WHOLENESS HEALING THROUGH FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE Identity and the relentless search for self in any paradigm has been a pertinent part of society since Adam and Eve chose to gain the wisdom that broke the sanctity of their child like innocence (Gen 3, NIV; Bible Gateway,...Read More